Sunday, April 28, 2019

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 18

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Fearless Charity [1 John 4:18 ]
Special Notes :- There is no fear in the charity.The Charity is fearless. There are two types of the Charity 1 ) Divine Charity 2 ) Virtuous Charity. The charity of the Unborn Father God is called the divine charity, The Charity of Jesus Christ is called the divine charity. The Divine charity is the 'most Superior and most pure' Charity. There is no selfishness in the divine charity. There is no envy in the divine charity. The Charity of love, The Charity of Kindness, The Charity of mercy, The Charity of Forgiveness, The Charity of miracles and other Charities of Virtues are the real Nature of the divine charity. The Divine charity is the virtuous charity but the virtuous charity can not be divine charity because The divine charity is the Miraculous. The Charities of human Virtues are Called the Virtuous Charity. The Charity of love, The Charity of the virtuous deeds, The Charity of Kindness, The Charity of mercy, The Charity of Forgiveness and the charities of the other human Virtues are the virtuous charities. The Virtuous Charity is the limit but the Divine charity is the endless,limitless and Infinite. There is no fear in the charity. The Virtuous Charity is the fearless. The Divine charity protects, saves and defends the virtuous charity. Evil persons, Evil Spirits, devils and Satan can not stop the Virtuous Charity. The Divine charity destroys the evil Spirits, devils and Satan and The Powerful Time of the Divine charity defeats the evil persons. The Father God is the Divine Charity, The Divine Charity perfected the virtuous charity through the divine humanity Jesus Christ and The perfect charity casts out the fear. The Divine charity and the virtuous charity both are holy. The Negative Energy generates the fear. The Negative thoughts generate the fear. There is the thought of the pain in the fear. There is the thought of the punishment in the fear. There is the thinking of pain in the fear, There is the thinking of the punishment in the fear. Fearful thoughts and Fearful thinkings make the charity imperfect. There is no perfectness in the fearful love.

1 John 4:18
"Fear is not in charity: but perfect charity casteth out fear, because fear hath pain. And he that feareth, is not perfected in charity."
Roman Catholic Bible

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[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 17

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Divine Charity [1 John 4 :17 ]
Special Notes :- The Unborn Father God is the Divine Charity. The Divine love of the father god is perfected with us, Due to the divine love of the father god, We may have confidence in the day of judgment. Just after death, Judgement Comes. The Divine charity of the Unborn Father God perfected with us through our lord Jesus Christ.Jesus Christ was the divine humanity. The Divine humanity Jesus Christ was the incarnation of the Unborn Father God. We have confidence in our lord Jesus Christ. During the Judgement time, The Father God will be save, Protect and defend our Spirits through his only begotten son Jesus Christ. Divine humanity is the Son of the divine love. When Jesus died, Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ acquired the Spiritual body and Holy spirit of Jesus Christ with his Spiritual body entered in hell and Holy spirit of Jesus Christ conquered the hell and He freed many Just Souls, After that, Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ broke his grave and Holy spirit of Jesus Christ with his spiritual body entered in his body. During Resurrection time, The Spiritual body of the Jesus christ merged with the physical body and Jesus conquered the death. The Divine humanity conquered the death and the hell. The Divine humanity conquered the Sins. Incarnation of the divine humanity shows the greatest divine love of the Unborn Father God. The incarnation of the divine humanity was the incarnation of the Forgiveness. The Incarnation of the Divine humanity was the incarnation of the divine charity. The Unborn Father God is omnipresent. The Almighty Father God is every where,As like as Father God We also are in this world. The Holy Spirit of the Divine humanity,Jesus Christ is the part of the divine love,Unborn Father God .Due to the divine humanity, The Divine love is perfected with us.

1 John 4:17
"In this is the charity of God perfected with us, that we may have confidence in the day of judgment: because as he is, we also are in this world."
Roman Catholic Bible

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Saturday, April 27, 2019

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 16

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The God is charity [1 John 4:16 ]

Special Notes :- Unborn Soul drives the body, Unborn Supreme Soul guides the Soul. Unborn God is the Supreme Soul, In other words Holy Spirit of the Unborn Father God is called the Supreme Soul. Sinless and most pure Supreme Soul is love, Whosoever believes in the Virtuous Love and the charity of love, He is abide in the father god. People take birth with the empty hand and People die with the empty hand.In other words, During birth and death, Hand is empty. Soul and Supreme Soul are Immortal in this world and Except Soul and Supreme Soul, Every things in the world are mortal. Nothing is permanent in the world, only Soul is real. Living in the Unborn Soul and Living in the Unborn Supreme Soul are Called true living. The world is the stage of the drama, Nothing is real in this drama, After death Person faces this truth. We are Souls, Only Soul is Living and real in the body. Our body is mortal, One day our Souls will be leave our mortal bodies, it is Universal truth. Except Soul, Every things in this world are temporary. So love one another, Souls love to the Supreme Soul and Supreme Soul loves the Souls. Supreme Soul Father god is greedless,Supreme Soul Father god never answers the greedful prayers, Worship the Supreme Soul father god with pure heart, Commend your spirit to the father god, Donate your virtuous love to the father god, Donate your virtuous deeds to the father god. Unborn Father God is the Divine love and the divine love is the hungry of the Virtuous Love because person's virtuous love is the real love who pleases the Unborn Father God. The Unborn Father God is the hungry of Virtuous deeds, In other words The divine love is the hungry of the virtuous deeds. The Divine love is the hungry of the humility. The Divine love likes the charity of Virtuous Love, Charity of Virtuous deeds, Charity of Spirit, Charity of humility and the charity of Kindness. The Divine love is the Charity. There is the peace in the divine love. Charity connects the Virtuous Soul to the Supreme Soul, Charity connects the Supreme Soul to the Virtuous Soul. In other words, That Person who abideth in the charity, He abideth in the God and God abideth in him.

1 John 4:16
"And we have known, and have believed the charity, which God hath to us. God is charity: and he that abideth in charity, abideth in God, and God in him."
Roman Catholic Bible

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[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 15

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Jesus Christ, The son of Almighty Father God [The acceptance of Truth ] [1 John 4:15 ]
Special Notes :- Jesus Christ is the Son of God, it is Truth. Real father of Jesus Christ was the holy spirit, it is Truth, so I use the word 'Unborn Jesus Christ'. Supreme Soul is the endless. Non-dual Supreme Soul is Infinite,In other words Supreme Soul is one and measureless. There is the neither beginning nor end of the Supreme Soul. 'The Length, breadth and the height' of the supreme Soul is Infinite,In other words There is no length, no breadth and no height of the supreme Soul. Supreme Soul is beyond space and time. Supreme Soul creates the time and Supreme Soul controls the time. Supreme Soul is beyond our thoughts. Supreme Soul is the bigger than whole Universe. Whole Universe is in the Supreme Soul. Supreme Soul is the omniscient,omnipotent and omnipresent. Supreme Soul knows every thing, No body can hide any thing from the Supreme Soul. Supreme Soul is the creator of the knowledge. We are unable to watch Supreme Soul but Supreme Soul always watches us .Holy Spirit of the Unborn Father God, The Supreme Spirit or The Supreme Soul is the endless ocean of 'unlimited mercy, Unlimited love, Unlimited forgiveness, Unlimited kindness and Unlimited knowledge'. Unborn Jesus Christ of the heaven is the Son of Unborn Father God. Holy Spirit of the Jesus christ is a part of holy Spirit of the God. Holy Spirit of the God lives in the Holy Jesus. Holy Spirit of Jesus lives in the Holy Spirit of the God. Jesus abide in the father god and The Father God abide in the Jesus.
Whosoever confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Almighty Father God, God abideth in him and he in God. This is the Confession of the truth.

1 John 4:15
"Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God abideth in him, and he in God."
Roman Catholic Bible

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[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] 1 John 4:14

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Unborn Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world [1 John 4:14 ]

Special Notes :- There is no beginning and no end of The Unborn Supreme Soul. Unborn Supreme Soul is measureless. There is no length, no breadth and no height of the Unborn Supreme Soul. The Supreme Soul is the bigger than whole Universe, In other words Whole Universe is situated in the Supreme Soul. Unborn Supreme Soul creates the Universe and destroys the Universe. Supreme Soul is the Soul of the Unborn Father God, In other words, Holy Spirit of the God is called the Supreme Soul. Holy Spirit of the Jesus christ is a part of the holy spirit of the God. Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is the Son of the holy spirit of the God. We have seen the Glory of the Unborn Jesus Christ, The son of Almighty Father God. Unborn Jesus Christ, Son of the Almighty Father God is our Salvation. Unborn Jesus Christ, The son of the Almighty Father God is our healer. Unborn Jesus Christ, The son of the Unborn Almighty Father God is the Savior of the whole world. Unborn Jesus Christ is the incarnation of the Forgiveness. Jesus destroys the sins of the world. Jesus destroys the anger, Envy, Violence and other sins. There is only peace, virtue and prosperity in the Almighty Jesus name.
We all know that Endless Unborn Father God has already introduced his Son Jesus Christ to the world as the Savior of the world. In the holy name of the Jesus christ, There is only peace.

1 John 4:14
And we have seen, and we testify, that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.

Catholic Bible

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[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 13

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] We abide in the God [1 John 4:13 ]
Special Notes :- There are two types of way, 1 )The way of Truth 2)The way of false. The way of Truth is divided into two parts 1 ) The divine way 2 )The Virtuous way. The way of false is divided into two parts 1 )The Sinner way (The way of Sin ) 2 )The Hypocrisy way (The way of hypocrisy ).
The way of Truth is the way of heaven. The way of Truth is divine and Virtuous. The Divine way is the virtuous way but the virtuous way is not the divine way. The Divine way is the way of 'non-dual God and the incarnation of the Unborn Father God '.The Divine way is the way of divine person. The Divine way is the full of miracle. The Divine way is the way of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the divine person who performed many miracles in his divine way, and after death Jesus Christ went to heaven in his divine way. Jesus Christ came in human nature from divine nature for saving us from the hell. The Virtuous way is the way of Truth, When we live in the virtue and We obey the virtuous law of the Unborn Father God, Then we can say that our spiritual life is walking on the virtuous way. In the Virtuous way, we know that we are abide in the father god through our lord Jesus Christ and Unborn Father God is in our heart through our lord Jesus Christ. The Jesus's Spirit is from the God's Spirit. In other words, Jesus's Spirit is a part of the God's Spirit. In the Virtuous way,We know that Unborn Father God has given us the Jesus's Spirit from his Spirit for our protection. The Jesus's Spirit wash away our sins. The Jesus's Spirit forgives our sins. The Jesus's Spirit heals us. The Jesus's Spirit protects, saves and defends us. This shows the greatest divine love of Unborn Father God.

1 John 4:13
In this way, we know that we abide in him, and he in us: because he has given to us from his Spirit.

Catholic Bible

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[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] 1 John 4 : 12

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The God's Perfect love [1 John 4:12 ]
Special Notes :- The Unborn Father God is Unseen, The Father God's body is the Spiritual body, There is no physical body in the father god so We are unable to see the father god. The Father God is endless. The father god created the man in his image. The Spiritual body of the Unborn Father God is in the image of Man. The Spiritual body of the Unborn Father God is the limit Size of the Unborn Supreme Soul but In reality, The Unborn Supreme Soul is endless, shapeless, Unmeasurable, Infinite, eternal, Sizeless, Unlimit, Spiritual, non-dual, Unform and Immortal. The Soul of the Father god is called the Supreme Soul.The Spiritual body can change his shape. The Unborn Father God has the endless love and endless mercy. When we live in the Virtue and we do the virtuous deeds, Then we are eligible for the God's blessing. When we love one another Then we are eligible for the God's grace. In the state of grace, We receive the God's divine love and God's divine mercy. Through the Virtuous Love, Unborn Father God abides in us and his divine love is perfected in us. Jesus Christ provided us the eternal spiritual life. In this eternal spiritual life, we receive the God's grace and God's blessing.

1 John 4:12
No one has ever seen God. But if we love one another, God abides in us, and his love is perfected in us.

Catholic Bible

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[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] 1 John 4 : 11

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Love one another [1 John 4:11 ]
Special Notes :- The Virtuous Unborn Father God is the founding father of all Virtue and Virtuous deeds. The Virtuous most pure Unborn Father God 's love is Unconditional,Unselfish and the most divine. The Father God's love always fall Upon us from childhood to old-hood. When Child takes birth, He does not know any thing, How to eat, How to speak, How to walk, How to talk etc. In other words, Child's soul is immature. The Supreme Soul father god provides his energy to the Child's soul. Due to the Energy of Supreme Soul, Child's soul learns everything slowly and slowly from other Souls ( his mother's soul and other Souls ).Due to the Energy of Supreme Soul, Child's soul becomes mature from immature in the young-hood. Supreme Soul guides us from childhood to the old-hood. It shows the greatest love of Father God. We have the life due to the Unborn Father God. Unborn Father God guides us on every step of our life . We live in the eternal life of the Unborn Jesus Christ of the heaven. Unborn Father God loves us so much so we should love one another. The Love should be virtuous and True, not hypocrisy.

1 John 4:11
Most beloved, if God has so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

Catholic Bible

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[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 10

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Unconditional Divine love of the Unborn Father God [1 John 4 :10 ]

Special Notes :- There is the difference between the divine love and worldly love. The Divine love is Unconditional and the worldly love is conditional. The Divine love is the permanent and the worldly love is the temporary. There is no hatred in the divine love, There is the hatred hidden in the worldly love. The Divine love is the True love.
The human's love divided into two parts,
1 ) The Virtuous Love 2 ) The Hypocrisy love.
There is no selfishness in the Virtuous Love . The Virtuous Love is the full of Virtue. There is no sin hidden in the Virtuous Love. The Virtuous Love has mercy, forgiveness, kindness and Humanity. There is no greed in the Virtuous Love. There is no conspiracy in the Virtuous Love. There is the forgiveness in the Virtuous Love. But The divine love is the greater than the virtuous love. The Divine love has the divinity. The Divine love is the Almighty. The God's love is called the divine love. The Divine love is the virtuous love but the virtuous love can not be divine love. The Virtuous Love is Unconditional too but the Divine love has the omnipotence power.
The Hypocrisy love is the full of greed. There is only selfishness in the hypocrisy love. The Hypocrisy love is greedy and selfish. There is the conspiracy in the hypocrisy love. The Hypocrisy love is the fake love but the virtuous love is the real love.
The Unborn Father God loves us through his divine love. Due to his divine love, The Unborn Father God sent his only Son Jesus Christ for the expitation of our sins. The Unborn Father God forgives our sins through his Unborn son Jesus Christ. Unborn Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for us. Unborn Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for saving the humanity, kindness, Mercy and virtue. Unborn Jesus forgives our sins by atonement and confession.

Catholic Bible. 1 John 4:10
[10]Love consists in this: it is not we who loved God, but God loved us and sent his Son to expiate our sins.

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[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] 1 John 4 : 9

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Unborn Jesus Christ, Only son of the Unborn Father God [1 John 4:9 ]
Special Notes :- The God's divine love is the greater than our love. The God's divine love is the pure love. There is no selfishness in the divine love. There is no sin in the divine love. The Divine love of the Unborn Father God protects, saves and defends our life. The God's divine love is the endless love, By his divine love, The Unborn Father God forgives our sins.
When world was in the darkness due to the 'corrupt and fake ' knowledge , That Time Unborn Father God sent his only son 'Jesus Christ ' on the earth for establishing the true knowledge on the Earth. Corrupt knowledge is the darkness and True Knowledge is the Light. The Light removes the darkness from the person's mind. The True knowledge erases the corrupt knowledge. The True knowledge provides the peace. The corrupt knowledge fills the deadly sins in the person's mind. The Corrupt knowledge generates the Negative Energy and The Negative Energy generates the Negative thoughts. The Negative Energy generates the violence, Greed and other sins in the person's mind. The teachings of the Unborn Jesus Christ is the light of the world. Living in the true knowledge is Living in the true life. There is the peace in the true life. There is the eternal life in the true life. Eternal life is the True life. Eternal life comes through our lord, most pure holy Unborn Jesus Christ. Unborn Jesus Christ is that holy Spirit who never detach from the Unborn Father God,Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ obeys the father god .Unborn Jesus Christ took the incarnation on earth as per the father god's instructions. In other words, Due to father god's instructions, Unborn Jesus Christ came on earth as incarnation.
There is the True life only in the Jesus christ.

Catholic Bible. 1 John 4:9
[9]This is the revelation of God's love for us, that God sent his only Son into the world that we might have life through him.

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[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 8

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Divine love [1 John 4 :8 ]
Special Notes :- Our God is the God of Endless love. Our God is the God of Endless Mercy. Our God is the God of Forgiveness. Our God always lives in the most Sacred heart of Our Jesus Christ. Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, endless, Infinite, eternal, non-dual, Almighty, Supreme being, Supreme Soul,Unborn and Immortal, Father God always loves us through our lord Jesus Christ. The Love of the Unborn Father God is the Divine love. Our lord Unborn Jesus Christ of the heaven , The son of the Almighty Father God is the incarnation of the Unborn Father God. Our Unborn Jesus is the Jesus of the Endless love, Our Unborn Jesus is the Jesus of the endless mercy, Our Unborn Jesus Christ is the Jesus of the Forgiveness. Healer, protector, saviour and defender, Unborn Jesus Christ loves us through his divine love. The Unborn Father God's divine love is the greater than our love. The Unborn Jesus's divine love is greater than our love. Divine mercy of Unborn Father God loves us through our lord Unborn Jesus Christ. Divine mercy of Unborn Father God protects us through our lord Unborn Jesus Christ. Divine mercy of Unborn Father God saves us through our lord Unborn Jesus Christ. Divine mercy of Unborn Father God defends us through our lord Unborn Jesus Christ. Divine mercy of Unborn Father God forgives us through our lord Unborn Jesus Christ. Divine love of Unborn Father God answers our prayers, Divine love of Jesus christ answers our prayers.

Those who do not love, do not know God, Those who pray to God with cruel heart and Envy, The Unborn Father God never answers their prayers.
Father God is the love. Unborn Jesus Christ is the love. Without love, you can not know the God. Without love , You can not know the Unborn Jesus Christ.

Suppose, Unborn Father God is the endless ocean Then Unborn Jesus Christ is endless sea of that endless ocean.

1 John 4:8
[8] Whoever does not love, does not know God. For God is love.

Catholic Bible

Pawan Upadhyay Bible :-

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] 1 John 4 : 7

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Virtuous Love [1 John 4 :7 ]

Special Notes :- Only Soul is real and True, Body is mortal so love one another. The Founder of Love is Unborn Father God. Father God produced the Positive Energy and Positive Energy generated the love, Mercy , forgiveness, kindness and other virtuous deeds. Father God loves every creatures. Love generates peace, forgiveness, and humility. Love every creatures. Love defeats the envy, hate, jealousy and other dreaded sins. Love only produces friends, not enemy. Love saves the life and rejects the death .Love is pro-life. Love is the medicine of the Sin disease of Sinners. Love accepts the Virtue and rejects the sins. Love accepts the peace and rejects the violence. Love likes the heaven and rejects the hell. In Love, There is no enemy. The prayer of Love pleases the father god. The meditation of the divine love of the father god connects the soul from the Supreme Soul. The father god is the endless ocean of the unlimited love. The Endless ocean of the unlimited love father god forgives our sins, The Endless ocean of the unlimited love father god saves us, protects us and defends us. We are spending our life in endless love of Father God. Those who loves is of God and knows the God. Love has conquered the hatred. Love has conquered the world and every person of the world.
We Sacrifice our praise to the father god.

1 John 4:7
Most beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God. And everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

Catholic Bible

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[ Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 6

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Spirit of Truth [1 John 4:6 ]

Special Notes :- Everybody is Sinner,The Spirit of Every person is the Spirit of Error , it is Universal truth . Unborn Father God lives in the heart of the Unborn Jesus Christ. We acknowledge that Unborn Jesus Christ was from Unborn Father God and Unborn Jesus's Spirit is from the Unborn Father God's Spirit, So we are from Almighty Father God. The Spirit of Unborn Father God is the Spirit of the Truth, The Spirit of the Unborn Jesus Christ is the Spirit of the truth. Our Spirits are the Spirits of Error because We all are Sinners and we all depend on the forgiveness of the God , We all do Some known sins and Some unknown sins in our daily life, So our Spirits are the Spirit of Error because We do errors, it is Universal truth. In spite of this, We are from the Unborn Father God because Unborn Father God forgives our sins, Unborn Jesus Christ forgives our sins. The Unborn Father God's grace and God's blessing always live Upon us, The Unborn Jesus's grace and Jesus's blessing always live upon us. We know the Spirit of the truth from the spirit of error,Our Spirits do errors and The Spirit of Truth Unborn Father God removes the errors and correct the errors.
Our Sermons are based on the truth and We preach truth, whoever knows the God and believes on truth, listen to us. Whoever rejects the truth and whoever is not of the God, does not listen to us and lives in false imagination.

1 John 4:6
We are of God. Whoever knows God, listens to us. Whoever is not of God, does not listen to us. In this way, we know the Spirit of truth from the spirit of error.

Catholic Bible

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