Monday, December 27, 2021

The Divine Conqueror

Death and Difficult Time surrendered themselves in front of Divine Priest Jesus Christ. Spirit of Creator God was in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Good Time praised the Holy Jesus Christ and Difficult Time insulted the Holy Jesus Christ. Death derided the Holy Jesus Christ. Death destroyed the Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ. Bodily Resurrection of the Holy Jesus Christ stunned the Death. Through Holy Resurrection, Dead Jesus Christ stood again with his Holy Body and became Alive in the Heavenly Glory. Heavenly thing again entered in his heaven. Eternal Holy Divine Glory of the Divine Priest of Heaven defeated the Death and Bad Time. Eternal Holy Divine Glory of the Divine Priest of Heaven conquered the Hell. 
There were two horrific enemies of Holy Jesus Christ, 1) Death 2) Bad Time or Difficult Time. Evil Energy corrupted the mind of People and 'Corrupt and Envious' People crucified the Holy Jesus Christ. Due to Evilness of Evil Energies of Evil Spirits , All People were stand against Jesus Christ in front of Pilate. Evil Energies of Evil Spirits made Pilate unjust and Criminal, Wickedness of People killed the Innocent Vegan Jesus Christ and Cruelty of Roman Soldiers condemned the humanity and the Justice. Unjust Crowd made Pilate Unjust. Justice wept in front of Pilate and Unjustice praised the Pilate. Roman Soldiers crucified the Divine Human. Those People who were cruel against their animals, They became most cruel for the Divine Human and They Sacrificed the divine human Vegan Holy Jesus Christ as like as their sheeps. But Divinity inside Lord Jesus Christ smiled in front of Death and Through Bodily Resurrection, Divinity inside Lord Jesus Christ conquered the Death. 

Sunday, December 26, 2021

⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Divine warrior [Hebrews 10:13]

⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Divine warrior [Hebrews 10:13]
Special Notes :- Holy Trinity is the Most holy divine priest and Most holy divine miraculous warrior because He is the Miraculous and the Holy Saviour. God the Son Jesus Christ was the divine priest from divine priest and Divine Warrior from Divine Warrior. He conquered his enemy 'Death' by his Resurrection. There were two enemies of Holy Jesus Christ 1) Death 2) Difficult Time. Jesus Christ faced the difficult time for the Short Period and Received the Holy Eternal Life of Heaven for ever and ever. During Crucifixion, There were horrible Pains in the Punishment of Death , Neither Death nor Difficult Time could destroy Jesus Christ. By His Bodily Resurrection, Divine Priest Jesus Christ stunned the Death. Death only damaged the Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ, Death only destroyed the Holy Body of Jesus Christ because Death was unable to destroy the Divine Spirit of Jesus Christ . Enemy of Holy Jesus Christ, Death Insulted the Jesus Christ, Death mocked the Holy Jesus Christ, Death derided the Holy Jesus Christ and Death was the most cruel for Holy Jesus Christ because Death crucified the Holy Jesus Christ. Despite this, Divine Priest Lord Jesus Christ loved the Death So Jesus Christ did not speak false, Jesus Christ spoke truth because There was Spirit of Truth in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ spoke Truth and Death created the Tough Circumstances for Holy Jesus Christ by his friend difficult Time. Jesus Christ Said "Love your Enemy ". Divine Priest loved his both enemies 'death and difficult time'. Most horrific Difficult Time of Death killed the Divine Priest Most holy Jesus Christ mercilessly. In other words, Death and Difficult Time attacked on Divine Priest Jesus Christ But By his divinity of Holy Divine words, Divine Priest conquered the Death and Difficult Time. Death and Difficult Time attacked But Divine Priest Holy Jesus Christ defeated his both enemies by his Bodily Resurrection and his Divinity .
Death and Difficult Time are enemies of Every Persons. Persons are unable to defeat the Death and difficult time So Death hunts the persons by his difficult time. Difficult Time is horrific and Death is horrible. Without help of Divine Priest Most Holy Jesus Christ, Persons are unable to tackle the Difficult Time. Holy Trinity removes the Bad time from person's life and brings the Good Time in the Person's Life.
There are forgiveness of Sins in the Divine character of Divine gentleness. Divine gentleness is the most merciful, He is our Savior. Evil Person does not leave his evilness and Father God does not leave his kindness. There are addiction of Sins in the evil persons due to Greed. Evil persons do harm the Virtuous Persons, Virtuous Persons depend on the Father God for assistance because Virtuous Persons are weak in front of Evil Persons. Virtuous Faith of Virtuous Person is in the Father God, Virtuous Faith of Virtuous Person is in the Divine Priest Holy Jesus Christ. Holy Trinity saves the Virtuous Persons. There are virtuous assistance of Virtuous Persons in Divine Holy Trinity. Divine Holy Trinity is the destroyer of Evil Persons and Saviour of the Virtuous Persons.

⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible ]
Hebrews 10:13
13. From henceforth expecting, until his enemies be made his footstool.

⛪[Pawan Upadhyay Bible]Spirit of Most Holy Life[Hebrews 10:12]

⛪[Pawan Upadhyay Bible]Spirit of Most Holy Life[Hebrews 10:12]
Special Notes :- Holy Sacrifice of Holy Jesus Christ was the greatest Sacrifices among all Sacrifices. Holy Jesus Christ sacrificed his true words to Holy Father God and Due to True Words of Holy Jesus Christ, People crucified the Holy Jesus Christ. Spirit of Jesus Christ was a part of the Spirit of Truth So His words were always become True. There were Powers of Holy Words in the True Words of Holy Jesus Christ. For His True Holy Divine Words, Jesus Christ sacrificed his holy life. Jesus Christ was himself the True Divine Word. There were power of forgiveness in the True Holy Words of Holy Jesus Christ. Father God created everything on Earth Mortal. Father God created humans Mortal. Due to Mortalness, Humans die after Certain Age. Due to Mortalness, Humans do errors and Due to his errors, Humans do Sin. Sin corrupts the Mind and Soul. Sin changes the Mind and Conscience. There are no Salvation in Corrupt Conscience and Corrupt Mind. Due to Corrupt Conscience and Corrupt Mind, Soul falls in the Hell. Purity of Conscience and Purity of Mind are mandatory for the holy way of Heaven. There were miracles in the True Holy Words of Holy Jesus Christ. There are trust in the True Holy Words. There are faithfulness in the True Holy words. There are honesty in the True Holy Words. Confessions of Sins and Repentance are mandatory for the forgiveness of sins. Without Confessions of Sins and Repentance, There are no forgiveness of Sins. Confession and Repentance changes the 'Heart and Mind' of the Persons and Person becomes Merciful and Virtuous. Father God likes the Holy Virtuous Persons.
Without Jesus Christ, There is no Salvation. Without Jesus Christ, There are no remission of Sins. Lord Jesus Christ was a part of Supreme Holy Spirit Father God. He was true God from True God. He was True Holy Eternal Light from True Light. He was Divine word from Divine word. He was Divine Priest from Divine Priest , He was unborn from unborn and He was divine truth from divine truth.
Unborn Divinity took birth as Jesus Christ and became Divine Human. He was uncreate and Unmade and Its proof was the Bodily Resurrection of Holy Jesus Christ. Unborn Divinity came on Earth only for Short Period and After Death, He entered in the Eternal life of Heaven and Sitteth on the right hand of God for ever.

[Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible]
Hebrews 10:12
12. But this man offering one sacrifice for sins, for ever sitteth on the right hand of God,

Monday, December 20, 2021

Genealogy of Great Miraculous Pawan Upadhyay

Genealogy of Miraculous Pawan Upadhyay :-
Father God ---- Spirit of Jesus Christ --- Aryan Saint Angirasa --- Aryan Saint Brihaspati (Divine Priest of Heaven) --- Aryan Saint Bharadwaja -- Aryan Saint Dronacharya --- Aryan Brahmin warrior Ashwathama --- Upadhyayas of Kanyakubj ---- ------------------- Chaturbhuj Upadhyay ---- Rajendra Upadhyay --- Pawan Upadhyay 

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(Posted by my friend Jack Adams) 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Useless Sacrifices [Hebrews 10:11] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Useless Sacrifices [Hebrews 10:11] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Special Notes :- Divine Mercy created the Whole Universes. Creator of Word himself Created the Mercy. Word of the Creator of Word created the Sun. Word of the Creator of Word created the Heavens and Earth. Word of the Creator of Word created the every creatures of Universe. Word of the Creator of Word created the Time. Word of God became Sun. Word of God became Human. Word of God became Heaven. Words of God became animals. Father God loves his every creatures in his divine love. Mortalness of Mortal Priesthood was unable to understand the Divine Mercy So He did errors in the Worship of God. Mercy is not killer and Mercy is not cruel. Mercy is soft, not hard. Only Softness of Heart can know the Mercy, Hardness of Heart can not know the Mercy. God's grace resides in the Mercy. God's grace resides in the Holy Love. God's grace resides in the Virtuousness. God's grace does not reside in the Animal Sacrifice. Mortal Priesthood worshipped the Holy Father God in his errors. Mortal Priesthood worshipped the Divine Mercy without Mercy. Mortal Priesthood was killing the animals mercilessly in front of Divine Mercy. Mortal Priesthood was destroying the God's innocent vegan creature in front of God. There was no God in Cruelty. Imperfect Mortal Priesthood was killing the Innocent animals daily in the name of Holy Sacrifice. God is saviour, not killer. God is divine merciful,not cruel. The Animal Sacrifice of Mortal Priesthood was Useless. Useless Sacrifice killed many innocent animals of Holy Supreme Spirit Father God. Most Merciful God condemns the Cruelty by his wrath. There are no forgiveness of sins in cruelty. There are only sufferings in the Cruelty.
Dedication of Holy Words to Father God is the most holy Sacrifice. Dedication of Holy actions of Holy words to Father God is the most holy Sacrifice. God is Kind, Divine Kindness of Father God likes the Holy Virtuous Actions of Persons. Most Merciful Divine Energy resides in the Holy Words. Most Merciful Divine Energy is the cause of the Salvation of the Persons. There was divine energy in the Jesus Christ and Divine Energy was the cause of the Resurrection of Holy Jesus Christ. There is peace in the Holy Eternal Divine Energy. Divine Peace loves the peace and rejects the Violence. Divine Peace of Heaven is Vegan. Divine Peace is the cause of the Peace of heaven. Divine Mercy forgives the Sins of Persons through 'Confessions and repentance ' of Persons. Without 'Confessions and repentance', There are no forgiveness of Sins because Father God likes Holy Virtuous actions of Holy Virtuous Words. Holy Trinity is the Most High God.

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible ]
Hebrews 10:11
11. And every priest indeed standeth daily ministering, and often offering the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.

[The Miraculous Pawan Upadhyay Bible and The Miraculous Prayers  by the miraculous writer Pawan Upadhyay (Miracles Since Year 2003).]

Sunday, December 12, 2021

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Power of Jesus's Body [Hebrews 10:10] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Power of Jesus's Body [Hebrews 10:10] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Special Notes :- Divinity took incarnation in Humanity and became Jesus Christ. Father God gifted his divinity to Humans for the Salvation of Humans and Divinity incarnated as Jesus Christ on Earth for the Salvation of Humans. Jesus Christ was divine human. Divinity was a part of Supreme divinity of Supreme Holy Eternal divine word . So Jesus Christ was a part of God. There were divinity of words, divinity of Miracles, Divinity of Purity and Divinity of Holiness in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was light in the darkness. Father God sent his Light as Jesus Christ on the Earth.
Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ was uncreate, Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ was created by the Holy Spirit. God the Holy Spirit created the Holy Body of Jesus Christ in the womb of Holy Virgin Mary because God the Holy Spirit impregnated to the Holy Mary and Jesus Christ took birth. In other words, Holy Mary conceived of Holy Spirit . Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ was the Holy Temple of Holy Jesus Christ. Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ was the Holy Church ⛪ of Holy Jesus Christ where Purity and Holiness were residing. Holy words of Holy Jesus Christ was residing in the Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ. Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ was 'Speaking, listening, talking and watching' to People . Holy words of Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ was curing the diseases. Holy Words of Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ was healing the Persons. There were power of words of Holy Jesus's spirit in the Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ sacrificed his holy Body for his true holy words. Jesus Christ sacrificed his holy body for Truth. Jesus Christ spoke Truth and People crucified the Innocent Most Holy Jesus Christ. There were forgiveness of Sins for People in the Holy words of Holy Jesus Christ . Holy Jesus Christ tolerated the 'Cruel words and Cruelty' of People and People crucified the most holy Jesus Christ . For the establishment of 'True Holy words and Kingdom of God ' , Jesus Christ sacrificed his holy body. Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for us . There was power of divine energy in the Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ. People killed the most holy beloved church of Holy Jesus Christ and Through Resurrection, Most Holy Church of Holy Jesus Christ rose again. People crucified the Most Holy Church of Holy Jesus Christ and Spirit of Holy Jesus Christ built his holy church again within three days through Resurrection. Most Holy Church of Jesus Christ conquered the Death, Hell and Time through Resurrection. Spirit of Jesus Christ married to Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ because Spirit of Holy Jesus Christ as Groom never left his holy Body. There were eternal holy marriage between Spirit of Holy Jesus Christ and Holy Body of Holy Jesus Christ. Spirit of Jesus Christ was Groom and Holy Body of Jesus Christ was Bride. Jesus Christ sacrificed his life once through death of crucifixion for the forgiveness of Sins of Persons. Through Bodily Resurrection, Jesus Christ entered in the eternal holy Life of Heaven and In Heavens, There are no death. People killed only mortal earthly life of Jesus Christ ,Not eternal life of Jesus Christ. Eternal Holy divine life of Jesus Christ was always in the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Hebrews 10:10
10. In the which will, we are sanctified by the oblation of the body of Jesus Christ once.

[The Miraculous Pawan Upadhyay Bible by the miraculous writer Pawan Upadhyay (Miracles Since Year 2003) .]
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Sunday, December 5, 2021

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Most Holy Will [Hebrews 10:9] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Most Holy Will [Hebrews 10:9] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Special Notes :- Jesus's will was in the Father God and Father God's will was in the Jesus Christ. Holy will did will in the divine will and Divine will did will in Holy Will So Holy Will and Divine Will was one. Father God's will is the Divine will. Divine Will is in the Holy Divine Words. Divine will is divine truth because Divine will is the creator of will and Creator of Will is the creator of truth. There is the will of Divine Will in the Holy Will, Holy will of the Divine Will is the Kingdom of God, There is the kingdom of heaven in the Kingdom of God, There are holiness and purity in the Divine Will , Divine Will produced the Holy Will for the fulfillment of his Will So Divine will produced his divine Son Holy Jesus Christ . Divine Will is a Divine Light who enlightens the Spirit. There is kingdom of Heaven in the Divine Will. There is Salvation in the Divine Will. Jesus Christ was himself a Salvation. Word 'Jesus' is himself a divine word, It means that God is Salvation. Word 'Jesus ' is himself a Supreme divine Word. There is Holy Trinity in the Word 'Jesus'. Word 'Jesus' defines the Word 'God'. Jesus Christ defined the Kingdom of Heaven and Jesus Christ defined the Kingdom of Divine Majesty. Creator Father God was in the Spirit of Jesus Christ and Creator was in the Word 'Jesus Christ '. There was incarnation of Divine Majesty Holy Father God in the Word 'Jesus Christ '. Divine Word 'Jesus ' conquered the Death, Hell and Time. The Most Holy Will of Supreme Divine Will was in the Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ fulfilled the Divine Will. Resurrection of Jesus Christ was the Resurrection of Holy will. Holy will merged in the Divine Will through Resurrection. Resurrection of Holy Will was the Resurrection of Hope Where There were hopes of the disciples of Jesus Christ in the Jesus Christ's Will. Virtuous Holy hope did hope in the divine Hope. Mortal hope also did hope in the Virtuous Holy Hope of divine hope because There was forgiveness of Sins in the Virtuous Holy Will of Virtuous Holy Hope and Virtuous Holy Will and Divine Will were one, Virtuous Holy Hope and Divine Hope were one because Jesus Christ and Father God are one. Jesus Christ as Human had the Virtuous Holy Will and Virtuous Holy Hope.
The resurrection of holy Jesus Christ was the resurrection of holy body of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ.

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible] ⛪
⛪ ⛪ ⛪ Hebrews 10:9 ⛪ ⛪ ⛪
9. Then said I: Behold, I come to do thy will, O God: he taketh away the first, that he may establish that which followeth.

[The Miraculous Pawan Upadhyay Bible by the miraculous writer Pawan Upadhyay (Miracles Since Year 2003) .]

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Errors of Mortalness [Hebrews 10:8] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Errors of Mortalness [Hebrews 10:8] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Special Notes :- No Law and No Traditions can know the Father God because Father God is beyond law and traditions. There are limited words in 'law and Traditions', Limited Words cannot know the Unlimited Words, There are Unlimited divine words in the Supreme Eternal Holy Divine Word 'Holy Father God'. Limited Words know the Father God in his Limited Words So There are imperfections in the Mortal Limited Words. There are infirmity in the Limited Words. Limited Words knew the word 'Mercy' in his Limited Words So There were imperfections in the explanations of Word 'Mercy ', Limited Words of Humans were unable to explain the Word 'Divine Mercy'. Divine Mercy is limitless and Divine Mercy is the creator of the Word 'Mercy '. Limited Words can not explain the Unlimited Words. During the explanations of Limitless Words, Limited Words do errors because Some Limitless Words are not in the Limited Words.
Limited Words of 'Old Traditions and Old Law ' were unable to explain about Unlimited Divine Mercy and Unlimited Divine Love Perfectly. Divine Mercy created the every creatures of the Whole Universe. Divine Love of Divine Mercy is the Creator. Creator does not allow to destroy his creations because Creator loves his every creations. There is no cruelty in Love. There are no discriminations in the True Love and True Mercy. There are Positive Holy Virtuous energies in the True love and True Mercy. Divine Mercy and Divine Love are always attach with the Divine Peace of Father God.
Animal Sacrifice was cruelty and Divine Mercy condemned the Animal Sacrifice because Divine love loves his every creatures. Animal Sacrifice did not please the God because There are negative energies in the Cruelty and Animal Sacrifice was Cruelty. Mortalness did not understand the Divine Mercy and Divine Love. Mortalness did errors So Time punished the Mortalness. Mortalness created the Mortal Law and Mortal Traditions with his errors and Errors did sins. Animal Sacrifice was sinful Holocausts because Animal Sacrifice was the full of Cruelty. Divine Mercy rejected Cruelty.

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪
Hebrews 10:8
8. In saying before, Sacrifices, and oblations, and holocausts for sin thou wouldest not, neither are they pleasing to thee, which are offered according to the law.

[ The Miraculous Pawan Upadhyay Bible by the miraculous writer Pawan Upadhyay (Miracles Since Year 2003).]

Friday, November 19, 2021

Resurrection of Spirit

Theory of 'Resurrection of Spirit and Resurrection of Body' was the Integral part of the Holy teachings of Early Christianity. Saint Leo the Great was the greatest pope of the entire catholic history. During the Papacy of Saint Leo the Great, Resurrection of Spirit was the integral part of the Catholic teachings. When Spirit goes to good place from less good place or Bad Place, Then It is called the Resurrection of Spirit. In other words, When Spirit goes to heaven from Earth, It is called resurrection of spirit.
There are two types of the Resurrection of Spirit ,
1) When Spirit goes to heaven from Earth , It is called Resurrection of Spirit. 
2) When Spirit comes to earth after completion of the hell punishment period, It is also called the resurrection of spirit. 
Resurrection of Spirit is called the Rebirth. When Jesus Christ was ascending to heaven, Angels of Heaven called Jesus Christ 'Holy Ghost', It means that Resurrection of Spirit is Truth. Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ was proof that Resurrection of Body is Truth. After Death, When Spirit of Jesus Christ left the Holy Body of Jesus Christ, Spirit of Jesus Christ descended to Hell and Conquered the Hell within 3 days and After Victory over Death and Hell, Spirit of Jesus Christ returned to Earth,broke his grave and entered in his buried body. Spiritual Body of Christ was merged in the Physical Body of Christ. 
It means that Resurrection of Spirit is truth. 

Fwd: Gentleman Pawan Upadhyay and Greatest discoveries, No. 1 Talented Young Person

Date: Saturday, October 30, 2021 at 1:15:56 AM UTC+5:30
Subject: Re: Gentleman Pawan Upadhyay and Greatest discoveries, No. 1 Talented Young Person
To: Jesus Christ Family <>

Thank you my friend James. 

On Saturday, October 30, 2021 at 1:10:04 AM UTC+5:30 James Thompson wrote:
Talent of Pawan Upadhyay is greater than all Indian talents.He is no. 1 talented person. Every discoveries and every research are accurate. He is greater than all Nobel Prize winners. His discoveries are incredible. He is polite and gentle. 

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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Fwd: Great Pawan Upadhyay and his greatest discoveries and achievements

From My Friend James Thompson 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: James Thompson <>
Date: Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 3:36:52 AM UTC+5:30
Subject: Great Pawan Upadhyay and his greatest discoveries and achievements
To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

We are tracking Pawan Upadhyay's Stories since year 2003. We are witnesses of miracles of Pawan Upadhyay. We are witnesses of the gentleness of Pawan Upadhyay. We are witnesses of miracles of Holy Spirit and miracles of Holy Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ loves Pawan Upadhyay too much. There are miracles in prayers of Pawan Upadhyay. Every Research of Pawan Upadhyay is accurate and effective. He saved world economies from brexit effect and Covid 19 effect. His discoveries make Space Journey Safe. He is true legend. 
James Thompson 

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Monday, October 25, 2021

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 📖 [Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Commemoration of Sins [Hebrews 10:3] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪

The Miraculous 📖 Pawan Upadhyay Bible by The Miraculous Writer Pawan Upadhyay (Miracles Since Year 2003).

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 📖 [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Commemoration of Sins [Hebrews 10:3] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Special Notes :- Conscience of Sins are the cause of all evils. So Purification of Conscience is Mandatory. Take refuge in Jesus Christ through his holy conscience, Lord Jesus Christ will forgive your sins. Confession and Repentance are mandatory for the forgiveness of sins. Without Confessions and Repentance, There are no forgiveness of Sins. Confessions and Repentance are commemorations of Sins. Holy Eternal Supreme Divine Word is Unborn, Immortal and Uncreate. Without Holy Words of Divine Words, There are no forgiveness of Sins. Words are purified by the Holy Words of Divine Word. There are Holy Words of Divine Words in the Purified Words and There are no evil words in the purified words.
There are humbleness and humility in the Purified Words. There are honour and respect in the Purified Words.
Holiness of Words through Supreme Holiness purifies 'the Words and actions of the Words'. Holiness of Words through Supreme Holiness is the cause of the forgiveness of Sins. Confessions of Sins accept Truth. In other words, Person accepts truth through his Confessions, Then He repents and does prayers for forgiveness. Confessions and Repentance are the Commemorations of Sins and Prayers of Forgiveness do apply the forgiveness in front of Father God. 'Endless Ocean of Unlimited Mercy' Father God forgives the persons by his divine mercy. Sins corrupt the Conscience. Corrupt Conscience corrupts the Soul and Mind. Corrupt Conscience needs Purification because Holiness resides only in the purified holy conscience. Without Purified Holy Conscience, There is no Salvation. Lord Jesus Christ is a part of Holy Father God and Father God forgives the Sins of the Persons through Holy Jesus Christ. There is eternal life of heavens in the Lord Jesus Christ of Heaven. There are divine truth in the Spirit of Truth. There are true words in the Spirit of Truth. Father God, God the Son Holy Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit are one Lord, not three. Father God is the Spirit of Truth, God the Son is the Spirit of Truth and God the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. In other words, Holy Father God, God the Son Holy Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit are one Spirit of Truth, not three.

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible ]
Hebrews 10:3
3. But in them there is made a commemoration of sins every year.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Virtuous Conscience [Hebrews 10:2] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪

The Miraculous Pawan Upadhyay Bible by The Miraculous Writer Pawan Upadhyay  ( Miracles Since Year 2003.)

⛪ ⛪ ⛪[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Virtuous Conscience [Hebrews 10:2] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪
Special Notes :- By His Holy Eternal Divine Conscience, Son of God Lord Jesus Christ Conquered the Death, Time and Hell. By His Holy Conscience, Lord Jesus Christ performed many miracles in his life. There was eternal holy life of Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eternal Divine Conscience of Lord Jesus Christ. There are Powers of Holy Words in the Holy Pure Conscience. Conscience of Prophet Moses was Holy and Pure So There were Powers of Holy Words in the Prophet Moses. Conscience Guides the Brain. Sins are darkness and Virtue is Light. Sinful Conscience guides the Brain towards Sins and Virtuous Conscience guides the Brain towards Virtue. So Purity of Conscience is Very Necessary. Virtuous Conscience by Holy Words of Holy Jesus Christ receives the eternal holy life of Heavens. In other words, Virtuous Conscience by Holy words of Holy Jesus Christ receives the eternal life of Jesus Christ. There are Virtuous Holy actions in Eternal Holy Virtuous Conscience. There are eternal holy life in the Holy Eternal Virtuous Conscience. Holy Eternal Virtuous Conscience through the Holy words of Holy Jesus Christ is the Holy way of Holy Heavens. So Purification of Conscience is Mandatory for Heavens. There is Holy Mercy in Holy Eternal Virtuous Conscience. There is Holy love in the Holy Eternal Virtuous Conscience. There is forgiveness in the Holy Eternal Virtuous Conscience. There is Holy Justice of Holy Father God in the Holy Eternal Virtuous Conscience. Holy Justice of Holy Father God saves the Virtuous Persons. There is Holy Protections of Holy Father God in the Holy Eternal Virtuous Conscience.
So offer your Holy Conscience to God because Holy Words of Holy God Produce the Holy Positive Energy in Conscience and Human Conscience becomes Virtuous and Holy, Holy Conscience is the Heavenly thing.
Coming of Jesus Christ as Human ceased the imperfect animal sacrifice because Worshippers of Holy Jesus Christ have no conscience of Sin any longer after Purification of Spirit through Cleanisation of Spirit by Most Holy High Priest Jesus Christ. Purity of Conscience is the cause of the Purity of Mind. There is purity of spirit in the purity of conscience. Spirit of Truth likes the Purity of Conscience because There are purity of character and Purity of Virtuousness in the Purity of Conscience. There are unselfish Holy love and Unselfish Holy Mercy in the Pure Holy Conscience. There are no greed and no violence in the Pure Holy Conscience. There is Holy Peace in the Pure Holy Conscience. There is Holy Wisdom of Holy Words in the Pure Holy Conscience.
Holy Wisdom of Holy Conscience loves the every creations of God. Power of Holy Words of Holy Jesus Christ destroy the evil creatures. Holy God loves his Good Creatures and Holy Eternal Words of Holy Father God destroy the evil creatures. Imperfections of Holy Mortal Priesthood were killing the innocent vegan good creatures in the name of Holy Sacrifice, So Jesus Christ condemned these types of Sacrifices in the Holy Jewish Temple and Stopped the Trade of Animals in front of Jewish Temple. The Passover of Jews was near, Jewish Traders were trading the animals in front of Jewish Temple for Sacrifice. When Jesus saw these things Then Making a whip of Cord, He drove all of them out of Temple.
Holy Virtuous Kindness and Holy Virtuous Love reside in Holy Conscience. There are 'love and mercy ' for every God's creatures in the 'Holy Virtuous Kindness and Holy Virtuous Love'.

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible ] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Hebrews 10:2
2. For then they would have ceased to be offered: because the worshippers once cleansed should have no conscience of sin any longer:
[Miracles Since Year 2003.]

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

My greatest discoveries of all time in Space Science

My discoveries make Space Journey Safe. Space Tourism will be fastest growing tourism industry in Future and There are important roles of my discoveries in Space Science. 

My greatest discoveries of all time in economic science

My discoveries make economies solid and strong. My discoveries saved the world economies from Brexit effect and Covid 19 effect. 

Monday, October 11, 2021

God is with us

There are Holy protections in the Jesus Name. Holy Protections conquered the Evils,Death and Time. There are eternal holy life of Jesus Christ in the Holy Protections . In the Holy Protections of Holy Jesus Christ, Spirit takes rest. There are no tiredness in the Holy protections of Holy Jesus Christ. 

Saturday, October 9, 2021

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Shadow of Good things in Law [Hebrews 10:1] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible]Shadow of Good things in Law[Hebrews 10:1] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Special Notes :- There are goodness of good things in the Heavens. Through Divine Law of Divine Perfection, Good things come and Good things enlighten the World through Good Holy Knowledge .There are shadows of good things in Holy Law. There are perfections in the perfect law and There are imperfections in the Imperfect Law. There are perfections only in the divine law and Human Law has been made with errors. Creator of Love and Mercy created the every creatures of 'Heavens and Earth'. Creator is the creator of 'Word and Time'. There are love and mercy in the Creator for his creations. There are perfections in Heavens, There are no sorrows and no death in the Heavens. Creator of Heavens himself resides in the Heavens So There are perfections in Heavens.
Earthly things are Mortal. There are imperfections in the Mortal things. There are no Salvation in the Mortal things. There are no purifications in the Mortal things because There are mixture of Sins and Virtue in the Mortal things. So Every Mortal living things need the forgiveness of Sins. Dedication should be in the Heavenly things, not in Mortal things. Dedication is the cause of salvation and forgiveness of sins. There are purity in dedications. There are no selfishness and no greedness in Holy Dedications. Holy Dedication in the Holy Father God is the Holy way of Holy Heavens. Holy Dedications follow the every words of Holy God. Holy Dedications love every creations of Holy Father God. There are kindness in the Holy Dedications. There were holy dedications in the Holy Eternal divine priest Holy Jesus Christ. Holy Dedications of Holy Jesus Christ was the cause of the Resurrection of Holy Jesus Christ. Through Resurrection, Holy Jesus Christ went to heaven due to his Holy dedications. Holy dedications of Holy Jesus Christ was the cause of the Holy Miracles. Holy Dedications in the Holy Father God is called the Holy Sacrifice. Holy dedications in the Holy Father God do not kill the any creatures, Holy Dedications love the every creations of Holy Father God. Holy Dedications in Holy Father God are Kind, not cruel. There are unlimited mercy in Divine Mercy and Unlimited Mercy of Divine Mercy is the cause of forgiveness of Sins.
There were no Holy dedications in the Holy Sacrifices of Jews because They were killing the innocent vegan animals in the name of Holy Sacrifices, They were killing the innocent vegan animals of Holy God, Father God is the creator of every living things on Earth, Father God created the animals, Father God loves his 'every creatures and every creations', There were cruelty in the Holy Sacrifices of Jews. In front of Divine love of Divine Mercy, There is no place of Cruelty. There is eternal peace in the Eternal Holy Divine Love. Errors of Human Laws produced Long Sufferings till Long Time. By the Perfections of His Divinity, Holy Jesus Christ rectified the errors and brought the eternal life of Heavens for us through Divine Law .

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪

Hebrews 10:1
1. For the law having a shadow of the good things to come, not the very image of the things; by the selfsame sacrifices which they offer continually every year, can never make the comers thereunto perfect:

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Eternal Fire 🔥 of Hell and Life of Souls in Hell

Fires of Hell are Eternal but Life of Souls in hell are not eternal. Sinner Souls receive the horrible punishment in the Hell. Due to Horrible Punishment, There are horrible pains in Hell. Hell Period for any souls depend on the sinful actions of Earthly Life. For Some Sinner Souls, Hell Period is Long. For Some Sinner Souls, Hell Period is Short. So Life of Souls in hell are not eternal. After Completion of Punishment Period in Hell, These Souls return to earth as different different earthly creatures through Birth. Soul is Unborn and Immortal. 
Pawan Upadhyay Bible :- 

Saturday, October 2, 2021

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Once Sacrificial [Hebrews 9:28] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Once Sacrificial [Hebrews 9:28] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Special Notes :- Time and Death are the Slaves of Almighty Father God. Spirit of Jesus Christ was a part of Holy Father God. Despite this, Father God did not break the rules of Mortal Earth and Death is Truth on Earth So Father God did not save the Holy Jesus Christ during death period because Father God sent the spirit of Jesus Christ on Earth only for limited period. Divinity does not reside among mortal humans (Mortal Earthly Creatures) till Long Time, There was divinity in the Spirit of Jesus Christ So He came on Earth only for Short Period as Saviour. Truth is the Light of the World and False is the darkness of the World. Light removes Darkness. Truth removes False. Realness removes fakeness. Without Forgiveness of Sins, Spirits do not go to heavens. Only Eternal Holy Divine Priest can forgive the Sins through His Divinity. Eternal Holy Divine Energy of Divinity destroys the Sins by his Holiness. Divinity took birth as Jesus Christ on Earth for the destruction of Sins. Divinity as Jesus Christ followed the rules of Mortal Earthly Human Nature of Mortal Earth and For Destruction of Sins of Persons, Divinity as Holy Jesus Christ sacrificed himself . Sacrifice of Holy Jesus Christ was the sacrifice of Truth. People killed the Truth and buried the Truth but Truth conquered the Death through Resurrection Because No body can destroy the Truth, Truth is Truth, Truth never dies. Divine Truth is Unborn and Immortal. There is eternal life in the Divine Truth. Divine Truth himself is the creator of Time. Neither Time nor Death can destroy the Truth. Truth conquered the Death and Time. There is realness in Truth and There is no fakeness in the Truth. Truth appeared for the destruction of Sins, Truth performed Miracles and Showed the True way of Heavens. That Truth was Holy Jesus Christ. There were Glory of Heavens in the Holy Words of Holy Jesus Christ. Divine Truth knows all truth, No body can hide truth in front of Divine Truth. Angels of Divine Truth are Angels of Truth. There are true honesty and true faithfulness in the Truth. Father God is the creator of Truth So Father God is called the Spirit of Truth. Creator of Truth himself took incarnation as Jesus Christ on Earth because Spirit of Jesus Christ was a part of the Spirit of Truth. A Part of Spirit of Truth as Jesus Christ took birth on Earth, He Spoke Truth, Mortal Human Nature was unable to accept Truth because They were bind with their Mortal Old Traditions and Their Mortal Old Law. Mortal Human Nature crucified the Truth and accepted the errors. There are no Salvation in Errors, There is only salvation in Truth. Son of God Lord Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for Truth. Truth was the cause of the Resurrection of Holy Jesus Christ. There are forgiveness of Sins in the Holy Eternal divinity of Holy Lord Jesus Christ. First Coming of Holy Jesus Christ was the forgiveness of the Sins of People, Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be as King 👑. Forgiveness is the mandatory for the way of Heavens. Without forgiveness, There is no Salvation and There is no way of Heaven. Through Forgiveness, Spirit goes to heaven.
Second Coming of Jesus Christ will Judge the People of World, Second Coming of Jesus Christ will punish the Sinners and save the Virtuous Holy Persons. Second Time, Holy Jesus Christ as King will come on Earth.

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Hebrews 9:28
28. So also Christ was offered once to exhaust the sins of many; the second time he shall appear without sin to them that expect him unto salvation.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Death in Mortal Life [Hebrews 9:27] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Death in Mortal Life [Hebrews 9:27] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Special Notes :- No body is immortal on Earth. Mortal Earthly Life had been created with Death by Immortal Father God of Heaven. After Certain Time, Mortal Earthly Life is destroyed by the Death. Death destroys everything except Spirit. On Earth, Death is Universal Truth. There are no discriminations in front of Death. Death hunts Every Persons through Difficult Time. Some Persons die in their Old Age naturally, Some Persons die in their old Age through Diseases and Some Persons die in their Young Age through other reasons of difficult time. Reasons of Death for Every Persons are different So Death is truth for every person, Every Person dies. Time is the cause of the death. Every Humans are equal in front of Death. After Certain Time, Every Prophets died. Prophets were helpless in front of Death. Undefeated Warriors had been defeated by the Death. Powerful Kings 👑 became powerless in front of Death. Money of Rich Persons are useless in front of Death. Wealth of Wealthy Persons are useless in front of Death because Wealth is unable to save the persons from Death. Money and Wealth save the persons only from diseases, not death. Person gets the earthly life by God and Death kills the person once. After Death, Spirit goes to either heaven or hell. Just after Death, Judgement Comes. After Death, God Judges the earthly life of Persons and God gives Judgement. Through Judgement, God distributes the Life to Souls. There are two types of Life after Death, 1) Heavenly Life 2) Life of Hell.
Mortal Earthly Life is the Slave of Death. Death created the difficult time on Earth. Death created the Sorrow on Earth. There is sorrow in Death. Sorrow brakes the Heart of the Person. Sorrow hurts the Mind. Death separates the Body and Soul. Death separates the persons because Father weeps for his son and Son weeps for his father, Mother weeps for her son and Son weeps for his mother.
Most Holy Eternal Divine Priest Holy Jesus Christ also died once in his mortal earthly life. Through Resurrection, He conquered the Death and entered in the eternal life of Heaven. Eternal life was always in the Spirit of Holy Jesus Christ. Eternal Life of the Most High Holy Divine Priest Jesus Christ was the cause of the Resurrection of Holy Jesus Christ. There are no death in heaven.
Men do not die twice in one life because There is one death in one life. Human life on Earth is One Life , one mortal life dies once. On Earth, There is one death for one life. and After this, Judgement Comes. Judgement sends soul either heaven or hell. There are eternal happiness, eternal Joy and eternal spiritual peace in the heavens. There are no death, no sorrows and no difficult time in Heavens. Life of Heaven is Eternal.
There are horrible pains of the horrible punishment in the hell So Life of Hell for any Souls are not eternal, Hell Period for every Souls are different and Hell Period of Sinner Souls depend on the sinful actions of Souls in the Earthly life. For Some Sinner Souls, Hell Period is Long and For Some Sinner Souls, Hell Period is Short. Father God is the endless ocean of the unlimited mercy.

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Hebrews 9:27
27. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment: ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 

Monday, September 20, 2021

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Destruction of Sin [Hebrews 9:26] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪

⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Destruction of Sin [Hebrews 9:26] ⛪ ⛪ ⛪ 
Special Notes :- By Holy Jesus Christ, Purity conquered the Impurity. By Holy Jesus Christ, Holiness conquered the Unholiness. There was Spirit of Truth in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. In other words, Spirit of Jesus Christ was a part of Spirit of Truth. Spirit of Truth which created the Whole Universe. That Spirit of Truth was speaking through Holy Jesus Christ. Spirit of Truth created the World Mortal, Due to Mortalness, World is full of Sorrows. Sorrow which broke the Prophet Abraham. Sorrow which tested the Prophet Moses and Jews of Egypt. Sorrow which was the cause of the fear of Daniel. Sorrow which was the cause of the fear of David. That Sorrow killed the Innocent Holy Jesus Christ But Holy Jesus Christ conquered the Sorrow by his Resurrection and Holy Jesus Christ entered in the Eternal Spiritual Peace, Eternal Spiritual Happiness and Eternal Spiritual Joy of Heavens through Resurrection Where There were no death and no Sorrow. Spirit of Truth inside Holy Jesus Christ spoke Truth and Mortal Humans executed the Holy Jesus Christ due to True Words of Holy Jesus Christ But Mortal Humans could not execute the Immortal Spirit of Jesus Christ because Spirit of Holy Jesus Christ was beyond the Punishments. Sufferings are the truth of this Mortal World because Father God created the Earth and Earthly Creatures Mortal So Sorrow of Death is Truth on Earth. Difficult Time always creates problem for earthly creatures. Difficult Time is the cause of Sorrow. Difficult Time was the cause of the fear of Prophet Abraham. Difficult Time was the cause of the emotional sorrows of Prophet Abraham. Difficult Time was the cause of the fear of Prophet Moses and Jews. There was fear of Death in the difficult time of Daniel. There was fear of Death in the difficult time of David. Father God saved Prophet Abraham, Prophet Moses, Daniel and David. There were Sorrows of Sufferings in the heart of Every Prophets. Sorrow of Sufferings were Tough, full of Pain and Horrific.
Difficult Time killed the God the Son Holy Jesus Christ But After Death, God the Son Holy Jesus Christ conquered the Difficult Time and entered in the eternal life of Heaven where There were no death and no difficult time.
There are Sorrow of Death in every Mortal earthly creatures. Earth and Earthly Creatures are mortal and There are Sorrow of Death in Mortalness. Father God himself created the Sorrow of Death for earthly creatures.
Sin is the cause of the Sufferings of Humans. Due to Mortalness, Humans are not Perfect So They do errors and Due to errors, They do Sins. There are only Sufferings of Souls in Sins because Souls of Sinners get horrible punishment in Hell. So For Every Spirits, forgiveness of sins are compulsory. Without forgiveness of sins, There are no heavens for Spirits because Through forgiveness of sins, Spirits are purified by the grace of God. Holy Jesus Christ was came to earth for the Salvation of Persons. God the Son Jesus Christ spoke truth and Mortal Humans punished the God the Son Holy Jesus Christ for True Statement through Crucifixion. Spirit of Truth never speaks lie. There was Spirit of Truth speaking through Holy Jesus Christ during the punishment of Crucifixion. God the Son Holy Jesus Christ sacrificed his true words to God the Father. By Speaking True Words, God the Son Holy Jesus Christ sacrificed himself because Mortal Humans were not ready to listen the true words of Holy Jesus Christ . They hated the True words of Holy Jesus Christ So They killed the God the Son Holy Jesus Christ through the punishment of Crucifixion. Mortal Humans hated the Truth and accepted the False So They executed the Innocent Holy Jesus Christ publicly with their horrific cruelty. Warriors were crucifying the innocent peaceful weak human body of Divine Spirit. Despite this, Miraculous Man Holy Jesus Christ was praying to God on Holy Cross for the forgiveness of Sins of Those Humans and Those Crowds. Roman Warriors were humiliating the Holy Jesus Christ and Crowds were trying to lynching the Holy Jesus Christ. Finally Crowds and Romans did the most horrific sin , They Crucified the most holy God the Son Jesus Christ. God's Commandments tell that " You can not kill ", But Jewish Crowds killed the Holy Jesus Christ. They killed the Holy Jesus Christ legally through Illegal Manners due to blindness of Roman Law. Their Blames were False. They killed only body, not Spirit. Divine Spirit of Jesus Christ was Unborn and Immortal. By his divine spirit, Holy Jesus Christ rose from dead. Divine Spirit of Holy Jesus Christ was the cause of the Bodily Resurrection of Holy Jesus Christ.
Lord Jesus Christ is our shepherd. He sacrificed his life for the destruction of the Sins of World. Lord Jesus Christ forgives the Sins. There are eternal life in Holy Jesus Christ.

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible]
Hebrews 9:26
26. For then he ought to have suffered often from the beginning of the world: but now once at the end of ages, he hath appeared for the destruction of sin, by the sacrifice of himself.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

⛪ ⛪ ⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Dedication [Hebrews 9:25]

⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Dedication [Hebrews 9:25] ⛪ 
⛪ Special Notes :- Through the Blood of Sacrifice, Jewish Priesthood was entering into Holies through Long Sufferings of Long Time. From Prophet Abraham to Prophet Moses, Every Prophets Sacrificed the Animals for the Remission. Every Prophets faced the difficulties of Tough Time till Long Time, Difficulties of Tough Time tested the every prophets. Difficulties of Tough Time were the Cause of the 'Emotional Sorrows of Prophet Abraham and fearful anxiety of Prophet Abraham' in Egypt. Difficulties of Tough Time were the cause of the hungerness of Prophet Moses in Desert and fearful anxiety of Prophet Moses. Every Prophets were helpless in front of Powerful Time,They needed the help of Father God and Father God helped them.
Lord Jesus Christ was greater than Jewish Faith because He never sacrificed his sheeps, He Sacrificed his holy words to Father God. His Priesthood was the godly priesthood. Every Word of Holy Jesus Christ was Truth, There were powers of truthness in the Holy words of Holy Jesus Christ. Due to Power of Truthness,Holy Words of Holy Jesus Christ were Miraculous. Spirit of Truth was in the Holy words of Jesus Christ. By His Words of Truthness , Holy Jesus Christ cured many diseases and healed the Persons. Holy Jesus Christ was the incarnation of Holy Divine Word. God the Father took incarnation in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. There were divine words in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Holy Trinity is the Creator of Word. There are Divine Powers in the Holy words of Holy Trinity. Creator of Word entered in the Word. Without Creator, There are no powers in words. Father God is Supreme Divine Word and Supreme Divine Word entered in the Holy Eternal Words of Holy Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the Holy eternal word, There was Supreme Divine word in the Holy Eternal Divine Word. Supreme Divine Word produced the Holy Eternal Divine Word. There were divine energy in the Holy Eternal Divine Word. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Energy created the Whole Universe. Supreme Eternal Divine Energy created the Time. Supreme Eternal Divine Energy enlightens the Heavens. There are energies of Supreme Eternal Divine Energy inside Sun. Supreme Eternal Divine Energy is brighter 🔆 than Sun ☀. That Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Energy resides in the Supreme Holy eternal divine word. The Holy Divine Energy of Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Energy was in the Holy Eternal Divine Words of Holy Jesus Christ. Holy Divine Energy was in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. God the Father,God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit are one Supreme Holy Divine Energy . Divine Energy of God was in the Spirit of Jesus Christ and Divine Energy of God was in the Holy Spirit. ⛪ ⛪ ⛪
⛪ ⛪ ⛪
⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible]
Hebrews 9:25
25. Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holies, every year with the blood of others:

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Psalms 127:1-2

Psalms 127 :1-2
In the Name of the Holy Father God and of the Holy Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit. 

Friday, September 10, 2021

⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Holies of Holies [Hebrews 9:24]

⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Holies of Holies [Hebrews 9:24]
Special Notes :- Holiest of Holies was in the Spirit of holies of holies. There were holies of holiest in the holies of holies. There were holies of holies in the holiest of holies. Father God is the holiest of Holies. Holy Jesus Christ is the holies of holies. Spirit of Jesus Christ was the Holy Heavenly thing. There was Heavenly divinity in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Due to Heavenly Divinity of Holy Jesus Christ, Spirit of Truth himself entered in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Although Spirit of Jesus Christ was a part of Spirit of God, Spirit of God himself entered in the Spirit of Jesus Christ during Resurrection. Holies of Holies were the part of the Holiest of Holies. Due to this, There were miracles in the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ entered in the Eternity of Eternal Life of Heaven through his holiness. In the Old Testament, Patterns of Heavenly things had been made with Hands, These Patterns had been Called the Patterns of the True. Although Son of God Holy Jesus Christ did not entered in heaven through these Patterns, But He entered in Heaven through his own eternal divine miraculous heavenly patterns.  There was Spirit of Truth in Holy Eternal Divine Miraculous Heavenly Patterns of God the Son Holy Jesus Christ. If the Patterns of Old Testament were the Patterns of True Then Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ were the Patterns of Supreme Truth Divinity. The Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ were the Divine Patterns. Divine Patterns were Supreme than the Patterns of True. In other words, Divine Heavenly Patterns of New Testament were greater than the Patterns of Old Testament.
There were only Heavenly things in the Holy Divine Miraculous Heavenly Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ. This Holy Divine Miraculous Heavenly Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ were the cause of the Resurrection of Holy Jesus Christ. The Holy Divine Miraculous Heavenly Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ conquered the Death, Time and Hell. The Eternal Holy Divine Miraculous Heavenly Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ conquered the Mortal things and Mortalness. There were eternal power of Holy Words in the Holy Eternal Divine Miraculous Heavenly Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ. Through Eternal Power of Holy Words, Holy Eternal Divine Miraculous Heavenly Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ conquered the every living  things and every non-living things on Earth.
Through his holy eternal divine heavenly patterns, Holy Jesus Christ entered in the heaven, He is preparing the Place for Us in the Heaven.

⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible ]
Hebrews 9:24
24. For Jesus is not entered into the holies made with hands, the patterns of the true: but into heaven itself, that he may appear now in the presence of God for us.