Friday, September 10, 2021

⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Holies of Holies [Hebrews 9:24]

⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Holies of Holies [Hebrews 9:24]
Special Notes :- Holiest of Holies was in the Spirit of holies of holies. There were holies of holiest in the holies of holies. There were holies of holies in the holiest of holies. Father God is the holiest of Holies. Holy Jesus Christ is the holies of holies. Spirit of Jesus Christ was the Holy Heavenly thing. There was Heavenly divinity in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Due to Heavenly Divinity of Holy Jesus Christ, Spirit of Truth himself entered in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Although Spirit of Jesus Christ was a part of Spirit of God, Spirit of God himself entered in the Spirit of Jesus Christ during Resurrection. Holies of Holies were the part of the Holiest of Holies. Due to this, There were miracles in the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ entered in the Eternity of Eternal Life of Heaven through his holiness. In the Old Testament, Patterns of Heavenly things had been made with Hands, These Patterns had been Called the Patterns of the True. Although Son of God Holy Jesus Christ did not entered in heaven through these Patterns, But He entered in Heaven through his own eternal divine miraculous heavenly patterns.  There was Spirit of Truth in Holy Eternal Divine Miraculous Heavenly Patterns of God the Son Holy Jesus Christ. If the Patterns of Old Testament were the Patterns of True Then Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ were the Patterns of Supreme Truth Divinity. The Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ were the Divine Patterns. Divine Patterns were Supreme than the Patterns of True. In other words, Divine Heavenly Patterns of New Testament were greater than the Patterns of Old Testament.
There were only Heavenly things in the Holy Divine Miraculous Heavenly Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ. This Holy Divine Miraculous Heavenly Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ were the cause of the Resurrection of Holy Jesus Christ. The Holy Divine Miraculous Heavenly Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ conquered the Death, Time and Hell. The Eternal Holy Divine Miraculous Heavenly Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ conquered the Mortal things and Mortalness. There were eternal power of Holy Words in the Holy Eternal Divine Miraculous Heavenly Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ. Through Eternal Power of Holy Words, Holy Eternal Divine Miraculous Heavenly Patterns of Holy Jesus Christ conquered the every living  things and every non-living things on Earth.
Through his holy eternal divine heavenly patterns, Holy Jesus Christ entered in the heaven, He is preparing the Place for Us in the Heaven.

⛪ [Douay - Rheims Catholic Bible ]
Hebrews 9:24
24. For Jesus is not entered into the holies made with hands, the patterns of the true: but into heaven itself, that he may appear now in the presence of God for us.

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