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eNewsletter | September 2017 |
 | | CLOSING SOON: CSO Registration to the Civil Society Policy Forum The Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) will convene in Washington, D.C., from October 10 to 13, 2017, just ahead of the WBG/IMF Annual Meetings. Registration for Civil Society to attend the CSPF will close on Friday, September 22, 2017. To register, please click here. More information on the CSPF is available here. |  | | Global Photo Contest: What Do "Sustainable Cities" Look Like to You? The Global Platform for Sustainable Cities, its partner cities, and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) invite you to articulate sustainability through the medium of photography. Whether it be elements of your city that represent sustainability, or a moment in time that captures the spirit of inclusive, resilient, and sustainable urban development, you are invited to share your vision by submitting your photographs. More information is available here. The deadline is October 6, 2017. |  | | Call for Abstracts: 19th Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty The 19th Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty will take place on March 19–23, 2018, in Washington, D.C. The theme this year is "Land Governance in an Interconnected World." The World Bank is pleased to invite abstract submissions for oral presentation of an individual paper, poster, or MasterClass. Submission guidelines are available here. The deadline is October 13, 2017. |  | | New Country Partnership Framework for Brazil The new 2018-2023 Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Brazil guides the work of the World Bank Group in the country. The CPF is underpinned by the Systematic Country Diagnostics (SCD), a comprehensive analysis of the opportunities and challenges for Brazil to achieve poverty reduction and shared prosperity in a socially and environmentally sustainable way, and builds on extensive consultations with the federal and subnational governments, the private sector, civil society and academic experts. You can find more information here. You can find the latest country engagement documents for other countries here. |  | | Now Available: Guidance on PPP Contractual Provisions and Policy Guidelines for Managing USPs The Guidance on PPP Contractual Provisions, 2017 Edition, is now available. It focuses on eight provisions encountered in virtually every PPP contract. You can find the Guidance and the feedback we received during our consultation here. Also available now are the Policy Guidelines for Managing Unsolicited Proposals (USPs) in Infrastructure Projects, which provide dedicated recommendations on how to address the challenges related to USPs and considerations for developing a USP Policy. | Civil Society Policy Forum 2017 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund - October 10-13, 2017
- Washington, D.C.
GPSA Global Partners Forum 2017 Citizen Action for Open, Accountable and Inclusive Societies - October 30 - November 1, 2017
- Washington, D.C.
Law, Justice and Development Week 2017 Gender, Law and Development - November 6-10, 2017
- Washington, D.C.
World Bank Group Youth Summit 2017 Technology and Innovation for Impact - December 4-5, 2017
- Washington, D.C.
To see more World Bank events, please click here. WATER'S PROMISE Water today is undervalued, misused and misallocated. Too many of us take it for granted - we turn on the tap and it flows. But did you know only 4% of Earth's water is freshwater and only 0.5% of that is safe for human consumption? As shocks of drought and deluge unleash their devastation, water has forced itself to center stage. It demands that we change fundamentally; it asks that we value it profoundly. BLOG: Practicing what you preach: Mozambique's natural resource management The World Bank is supporting an increase in rural jobs and investment while promoting sustainable land management to conserve Mozambique's natural wealth. BLOG: To achieve 'learning for all', we must create inclusive systems for students with disabilities While schools and educators aim at more inclusive approaches across the globe, it's important to acknowledge that mainstream education settings can unknowingly exclude deaf and hard of hearing people. FEATURE STORY: Early Childhood Education in Morocco: A Critical Window of Opportunities Inequality in access to quality ECD has many faces in Morocco and reflects significant inequality gaps between the most well-off and the most disadvantaged children. |
This newsletter is produced by the Civil Society Team of the World Bank Group (WBG) in collaboration with other units. The Newsletter highlights several policies, programs, and initiatives of the WBG which may involve or be of interest to CSOs. Please send your comments and feedback to: You can subscribe to the Newsletter using our subscription page. To unsubscribe click here. For more on the World Bank - Civil Society Engagement, click here. The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 USA Tel: (202) 473-1000 Fax: (202) 477-6391 |
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