Tuesday, February 27, 2018

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Worship The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Worship The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ


There is the Miraculous Power in the name of the' Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ '.Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is attach with the Supreme Spirit Supreme being Father God.Supreme Spirit Supreme being Omniscient and omnipotent Father God himself attached the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ with his Spirit.Supreme Spirit Supreme being omniscient and omnipotent Father God himself lives in the glorified heavenly body of Lord Jesus Christ.When we worship the holy spirit of Jesus Christ,Then Miracles and Grace always fall upon us.Supreme Spirit Supreme being Almighty Father God made Jesus's Spirit omniscient and omnipotent.Supreme Spirit Supreme being Almighty Father God made Heavenly spirit of Jesus Christ Supreme Miraculous Power.
Heavenly holy Spirit of Jesus Christ knows everything about us.Heavenly holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is watching Person's deeds.Heavenly Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ knows the 'past,Present and future' of every person.Heavenly holy spirit of Jesus Christ knows about the 'birth,death and rebirth' of every creature.
Heavenly holy Spirit of Jesus Christ protects,Saves and defends the persons from' hell and death '.Heavenly holy Spirit of Jesus Christ Controls the death and hell.
Worship the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ,Jesus Christ will be always protect,Save and defend you.Unborn holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is the Source of all Miracles.
Heavenly Unborn omniscient and omnipotent Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ knows about the History of Earth,Hell and Heaven.
Before Abraham,Unborn Jesus Christ  was Present.
I,Pawan Upadhyay,found three incarnation of Jesus Christ in the New Testament,
1) Before Abraham as first prophet and first saint
2) After Abraham as Jesus Christ
3) Before the End of Earth as Religious King 👑.
There are three method of the worshipping the Omniscient and omnipotent Unborn Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ,
1) By Prayer
2) By Rosary
3) By Meditation

So let us worship the 'omniscient,omnipotent,Almighty,Miraculous' unborn Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ.

Pawan Upadhyay Bible:-

[Written by

Pawan Upadhyay]

[ I Pawan Upadhyay is the writer of Pawan Upadhyay Bible.Christians of the all around the world say that Pawan Upadhyay Bible is the Miraculous Bible.]

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