Saturday, June 9, 2018

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Virtuous man's heritage [Psalm 2:8]

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Virtuous man's heritage [Psalm 2:8]

9:20 PM

Psalm 2:8
.  Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.

Explanation :-  'Unborn and Immortal' God 
is beyond any law and any rule.Law and Rule are created by god and destroyed by the god.Unborn god created the Earth and He donated the earth to his pupils.The Virtuous spirits are the pupils of god and God said "I will make the nations your heritage and utmost part of the earth your possession."
Virtuous Spirits(Virtuous People) Spread the Virtue and Righteousness to the whole world.Virtuous Spirits make the nation virtuous and Holy,They plant the virtuous seeds in the holy land of the nations and They grow the Virtuous Tree in the holy nations and Virtuous trees produce the virtuous fruits.
Creator God loves virtuous fruits .
God will be give the nation as heritage to his pupils and God will be give the utmost part of earth to his pupils as possession where the virtuous spirits will be grow the virtuous trees and will provide virtuous fruits to the god and They will be make nation and land,holy.Nation will become holy nation and Land will become holy land.

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